

  Title Post Date End Date
NIXI Rollout Internet Governance Internship and Capacity Building Scheme Submission Extention 26-01-2025 31-01-2025
NIXI invites applications for Empanelment of Lawyers 23-01-2025 08-02-2025

Title Name : NIXI invites applications for Empanelment of Lawyers
Applications Submission Start Date:   23-01-2025
Last Date for submission applications :  08-02-2025

National Internet Exchange of India invites applications from potential candidates who are interested to be empaneled as lawyers for NIXI.

Candidates are expected to have sound knowledge of Intellectual Property Laws, Cyber Laws, Telecom laws, Contracts Act, Taxation, Company laws, Civil Laws, Service Laws etc.

Detailed advertisement on eligibility criteria, selection criteria can be accessed from the link below.

Interested candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria can submit their duly filled in their application along with the requisite documents to Email ld:

The last date for submission of applications is 8th February 2025.

Download Detailed Advertisement 

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Empanelment Policy 

NIXI Rollout Internet Governance Internship and Capacity Building Scheme 17-01-2025 26-01-2025
NIXI invites applications for empanelment of Arbitrators Empanelment-Extention 21-10-2024 31-10-2024

Title Name : Extension of date for Arbitrators Empanelment Applications
Bid Submission Start Date:   21-10-2024
Last Date for submission Proposals as Extended:  31-10-2024 (17:00 Hours)

National Internet Exchange of India invites applications from potential candidates who are interested to act as Arbitrators for .IN in accordance with the .IN Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (INDRP) and Procedures, available at Dispute Resolution in Dispute Resolution Process (

Candidates are expected to have sound knowledge in Intellectual Property Laws, Universal Disputes Resolution Process, .In Dispute Resolution Process and Arbitration Laws etc.

Detailed advertisement on eligibility criteria, selection criteria can be accessed from below.

Interested candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria may send duly filled in their application along with the requisite documents to Email ld: The last date for submission of applications is 31.10.2024.

Download Detailed Advertisement 

Download Form 

Empanelment Policy for Arbitrators

CSR Notice Extention 25-09-2024 03-10-2024

Notice Name : CSR Notice
Start Date:   13-09-2024
Extended End Date:   03-10-2024
National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) is undertaking CSR activities for the welfare of different sects of Indian Society. NIXI invite proposals from the Competent Agencies/ trusts/ registered societies and NGO’s working for welfare of society for the financial year 2024-25 for CSR activities in following 4 (four) sectors/areas:
1. Women Empowerment.
2. Eradicating Hunger and Poverty.
3. Promoting education (vocational or non-vocational).
4. Cyber security awareness and setting up of computer labs.
The entity(applicant) shall be CSR registered. Eligible agencies may submit their proposals with the following details:
- Background profile of the company.
- Profile of the past CSR activities and their impact on society.
- Project proposals along with required functioning, beneficiaries and impact on society.
The interested parties shall submit detailed proposal citing the above details in the sealed envelopes at the following address latest by 3rd Oct, 2024.
National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI),
B-901,9th Floor, Tower B, World Trade Centre
Nauroji Nagar, New Delhi 110029

Download Notice

NIXI invites applications for empanelment of Arbitrators Empanelment-Extention 17-09-2024 01-10-2024

Title Name : Extension of date for Arbitrators Empanelment Applications
Bid Submission Start Date:   17-09-2024
Last Date for submission Proposals as Extended:  01-10-2024 (17:00 Hours)

National Internet Exchange of India invites applications from potential candidates who are interested to act as Arbitrators for .IN in accordance with the .IN Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (INDRP) and Procedures, available at Dispute Resolution in Dispute Resolution Process (

Candidates are expected to have sound knowledge in Intellectual Property Laws, Universal Disputes Resolution Process, .In Dispute Resolution Process and Arbitration Laws etc.

Detailed advertisement on eligibility criteria, selection criteria can be accessed from below.

Interested candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria may send duly filled in their application along with the requisite documents to Email ld: The last date for submission of applications is 01.10.2024.

Download Detailed Advertisement 

Download Form 

Empanelment Policy for Arbitrators

CSR Notice Notice 13-09-2024 25-09-2024

Notice Name : CSR Notice
Start Date:   13-09-2024
End Date:   25-09-2024
National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) is undertaking CSR activities for the welfare of different sects of Indian Society. NIXI invite proposals from the Competent Agencies/ trusts/ registered societies and NGO’s working for welfare of society for the financial year 2024-25 for CSR activities in following 4 (four) sectors/areas:
1. Women Empowerment.
2. Eradicating Hunger and Poverty.
3. Promoting education (vocational or non-vocational).
4. Cyber security awareness and setting up of computer labs.
The entity(applicant) shall be CSR registered. Eligible agencies may submit their proposals with the following details:
- Background profile of the company.
- Profile of the past CSR activities and their impact on society.
- Project proposals along with required functioning, beneficiaries and impact on society.
The interested parties shall submit detailed proposal citing the above details in the sealed envelopes at the following address latest by 25th Sept, 2024.
National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI),
B-901,9th Floor, Tower B, World Trade Centre
Nauroji Nagar, New Delhi 110029

Download Notice

NIXI invites applications for empanelment of Arbitrators Empanelment 22-08-2024 05-09-2024

Title Name : NIXI invites applications for empanelment of Arbitrators
Bid Submission Start Date:   22-08-2024
Last Date for submission Proposals:  05-09-2024 (17:00 Hours)

National Internet Exchange of India invites applications from potential candidates who are interested to act as Arbitrators for .IN in accordance with the .IN Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (INDRP) and Procedures, available at Dispute Resolution in Dispute Resolution Process (

Candidates are expected to have sound knowledge in Intellectual Property Laws, Universal Disputes Resolution Process, .In Dispute Resolution Process and Arbitration Laws etc.

Detailed advertisement on eligibility criteria, selection criteria can be accessed from below.

Interested candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria may send duly filled in their application along with the requisite documents to Email ld: The last date for submission of applications is 05.09.2024.

Download Detailed Advertisement 

Download Form 

Empanelment Policy for Arbitrators

Custom Bid for Services- SELECTION OF TECHNICAL SERVICE PROVIDER (‘TSP’) FOR .IN DOMAIN REGISTRY.Tender on GeM 20-07-2024 30-07-2024


The backend operations of .IN Registry are managed by a Technical Service Provider (TSP). The Current TSP was engaged as per the RFP process in the year 2018 for a period of 5 years. As their contract is ending, NIXI has refloated an RFP for the selection of TSP. The RFP details are available on

Bid Submission Start Date:   20-07-2024
Bid Submission Last Date/Time:   30-07-2024 (03:00 PM)
Pre-Bid Meeting on:   23-07-2024 (05:00 PM IST)
VC Link for Online Meeting:
Meeting number:  2511 634 1868
Password:  12345 (12345 when dialling from a video system)
Bid no:   GEM/2024/B/5002365

Click here to Visit GeM Portal

Custom Bid for Services- SELECTION OF TECHNICAL SERVICE PROVIDER (‘TSP’) FOR .IN DOMAIN REGISTRY.Tender on GeM 31-05-2024 21-06-2024


The backend operations of .IN Registry are managed by a Technical Service Provider (TSP). The Current TSP was engaged as per the RFP process in the year 2018 for a period of 5 years. As their contract is ending, NIXI has floated an RFP for the selection of TSP. The RFP details are available on

Bid Submission Start Date:   31-05-2024 (07:24 PM)
Bid Submission Last Date/Time:   21-06-2024 (08:00 PM)
Pre-Bid Meeting on:   11-06-2024 (05:00 PM)
VC Link for Online Meeting:
Bid no:   GEM/2024/B/5002365

Click here to Visit GeM Portal