Tender Document for Procurement of Infrastructure for Implementing NIXI E-mail Service
Category: Revised RFP
Post Date: 20-June-2022
Tender Document for Procurement of Infrastructure for Implementing NIXI E-mail Service
Bid Start Date: 25/05/2022
Submission of Queries/ Feedback by Bidders: 30/05/2022
Pre-Bid Bidders Conference: 02/06/2022
Publication of Final Tender Documents: 21/06/2022
Last Date of bid submission and opening: 07-07-2022 (Revised Date)
Technical Presentation: 14-07-2022 (Revised Date)
Technical Bid opening & Evaluation :TBD
Financial Bid opening & Evaluation :TBD
You are requested to submit your physical copy of bids at address mention below.
National Internet Exchange of India
9th Floor, B-wing, Statesman House, 148, Barakhambha Road,
New Delhi-110001
Tel. : +91-11-48202000
Please submit bids on or before date and time mention in Tender.
GST Number
Corporate Office
National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) B-901, 9th Floor Tower B, World Trade Centre, Nauroji Nagar, New Delhi-110029